Hi, I have registered a todo issue for the different location: -uae-launcher/issues/20. The problem with the missing A1200 rom is that it actually is missing from earlier Amiga Forever CDs! amiga-os-310.rom is an A4000 ROM. Newer Amiga Forever releases contains amiga-os-310-a1200.rom. As you discovered, using the ROM manually seems to work, but some A1200 functions may not work correctly, so FS-UAE does not automatically use mismatching ROMs.
Amiga KickROM Crack
So how were earlier games which had intricate disk-based copy protection (like King's Quest I & II, which had Herdnon copy protection) cracked? (they were using multiple self-decrypting code and monitored/used the trace vector long before Rob Northen copylock, so without a VBR you couldn't follow it, and trap breakpoints were also impossible to set)
I also had the advantage of owning an Amiga 1000, which had 256k of 'Writable Control Store' memory that the system 'ROM' was loaded into from the Kickstart disk on power up. I modified the Kickstart disk to copy all the base memory into my 2MB RAM expansion on reset, making a snapshot of what was in memory when a game was running. I had already used a similar technique many times on my Amstrad CPC664, gaining a lot of experience at cracking games when transferring them from tape to disk.
High Quality Crackings was a cracking and demo group on the c64 and Amiga. They always strived to be seen from the outside as a single entity, but were in fact four people. They were interviewed for In Medias Res. The group was active from 1986 to 1991.
This section details how to crack Dungeon Master for Amiga version 2.0 French. This nice work was done by Meynaf in his spare time between October 2003 and January 2004). It helps in understanding the protection mechanisms and how to bypass them. Maybe people inspired by this crack will be able to crack other versions.
Meynaf also cracked Dungeon Master for Atari ST and ported it to Amiga. He also cracked Chaos Strikes Back for Amiga and made it playable from hard disk. You can also download the Chaos Strikes Back for Atari ST version 2.1 assembler source code on Chaos Strikes Back for Atari ST. It is the disassembled source code of the original game (non cracked). People can study it if they want.In the csb.s file, the following labels mark the checksum functions used by the copy protection: u3048, vcfae, w17ea. The last one is called from two places in the code. The save game routine has 3 out of the 4 checksums in the game, the programmers really did not want it to be modified as it contains a copy protection check.
You also need to find all the checksums in the code and neutralize them.To find the code for checksums, you have to search for "ADD.W (A?)+". One of the checksums is used on the dungeon.dat file so it can be ignored for the crack. For the others, you need to find which functions calls the checksum functions and which results they are looking for. Then you can neutralize the checksums by always giving the calling functions the results they want.
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