Make no mistake: History has shown that price points cannot be maintained in the home video window. What sells for $30-a-viewing today could be blown out for $9.99 within a few years. If wiser heads do not prevail, the cannibalization of theatrical revenue in favor of a faulty, premature home video window could lead to the loss of hundreds of millions of dollars in annual revenue. Some theaters will close. The competition for those screens that remain will become that much more intense, foreclosing all but the most commercial movies from theatrical release. Specialty films whose success depends on platform releases that slowly build in awareness would be severely threatened under this new model. Careers that are built on the risks that can be taken with lower budget films may never have the chance to blossom under this cut-throat new model. Further, releasing a pristine, digital copy of new movies early to the home will only increase the piracy problem-not solve it.
I think it depends on how they label and sell 4K. For example if you buy an SD version of a movie, you have to buy it again in HD if you want it. On the other hand, all HD purchases were upgraded from 720p to 1080p when the HD resolution was change in iTunes.
Big Mistake Full Movie Hd 1080p
I recently bought a 4K TV on black Friday so, yes, it does matter to me. Is hard to switch back to 1080p after watching those gorgeous graphics in movies and tv series. My smart TV has youtube and netflix, both support and broadcast content in 4K, a beautiful thing; even another reason to skip Apple TV 4th gen. I will settle with my 3rd gen until then. I guess Apple loves to crash into parties very late. 2ff7e9595c